Incubator Package


You may have heard of Profit First and perhaps you’ve even read a little about it. There’s no doubt it’s an intriguing concept to many who are unfamiliar with this method of working and the benefits it can bring. Indeed, you could be forgiven for wondering how it could make such a positive impact on your company finances. Could it really hardwire profitable behaviours into your business? Is Profit First really the way you can achieve your financial ambitions?

We only work with clients where we can add significant value, and given the expertise and work involved, there is an investment required to deliver these returns. We believe the return you get will be a multiple of that investment.  However if you’re not ready for that level of investment and are happier to go at a slower pace, our Incubator is exactly what you need.


Cloud’s incubator is designed to be a precursor to the Bronze package, giving you a taste of the expertise you’ll receive and how it can help transform the financial future of your company. It’s perfect for those looking to explore and “try before they buy” or even implement Profit First themselves. Numbers within our incubator group are kept low to ensure everyone is heard and receives help.

Profit First

You’ll receive a comprehensive introduction to the Profit First book via a PDF containing the first five chapters. You may be thinking, “Five chapters? What will that teach me?”. Believe us, you’ll learn a lot. You’ll discover why Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are killing your business, how Profit First works and the steps you need to take to implement it. Welcome to Profit First and the start of an exciting journey for you and your business.

Become part of the community, liaising and sharing ideas with other Profit First users in Cloud’s exclusive Incubator Mastermind Zoom Group. You’ll have access to the latest Profit First content produced and shared for this group which you can use and apply to your own business. 

Learn more about how we successfully applied Profit First methodology to drive profitability and financial stability for a number of customers across different industries. Where possible, we’ll try and provide the best examples for customers in similar sectors to you.

Receive a twice-monthly Zoom call starting with a presentation and Q&A from one of Cloud’s Profit First-accredited experts. 

A superb introduction to Profit First and the benefits it can yield, Cloud Accountant’s Incubator membership costs only £100+ VAT per month, on a rolling monthly basis.

I need to join - How?

Absolutely, like many of our clients before you, you’re taking the first step towards increased profitability, greater wealth and realising your goals. It’s an exciting time.

Fill out the form below and one of our Profit First experts will be in touch with details about how you can start your journey today!